Principles of the Feminine Christ Path:
the Cornerstones of Grace's Teachings
This foundational principle asks you to look gently, yet steadily in the mirror. Beyond the notion of simply being kind to yourself, the rigors of self-love involve moment-to-moment awareness as you discover how you truly regard yourself. Self-love begs the courage and skill to actively navigate your relationship with the intricate and intertwined lattice of your internal world — while softly releasing judgement, criticism and faulty beliefs.
How do you treat yourself? Looking within can provide countless revelations about the degree to which you have cut yourself off from your true identity as an ever-flowing source of Love. This authentic connection to your own wellspring of love, care and compassion opens the door to a profound transformation in your being, which has been called Christ Consciousness throughout the ages.
How do you treat yourself? Looking within can provide countless revelations about the degree to which you have cut yourself off from your true identity as an ever-flowing source of Love. This authentic connection to your own wellspring of love, care and compassion opens the door to a profound transformation in your being, which has been called Christ Consciousness throughout the ages.
Embracing the Skillful Release of Emotion
The soul's evolution moves primarily through emotion. Emotional pain brings your attention to an element of life that asks for healing, and provides an efficient avenue for clearing and release. Every emotion contains an invitation to dive deeper into the infinite well of Love that you are.
As you allow the full release of emotions as they arise, you are actually clearing debris that obscures access to your true identity as Love. Each opportunity, when met with compassion and an open heart, not only opens greater pathways to Love, it actually heals your body.
The Divine Feminine asks that you learn to take full emotional responsibility. She asks that you surrender blame, judgment and self-pity in your quest to return to your authentic identity as Love. And She soothes you with the notion that emotional vulnerability is a liberating force that ultimately empowers and heals those who allow their emotions to run their course.
The word healing means "to become whole," which is most naturally achieved by clearing the emotionally-held blocks that prevent you from knowing ultimate union with your true divine birthright: Love.
As you allow the full release of emotions as they arise, you are actually clearing debris that obscures access to your true identity as Love. Each opportunity, when met with compassion and an open heart, not only opens greater pathways to Love, it actually heals your body.
The Divine Feminine asks that you learn to take full emotional responsibility. She asks that you surrender blame, judgment and self-pity in your quest to return to your authentic identity as Love. And She soothes you with the notion that emotional vulnerability is a liberating force that ultimately empowers and heals those who allow their emotions to run their course.
The word healing means "to become whole," which is most naturally achieved by clearing the emotionally-held blocks that prevent you from knowing ultimate union with your true divine birthright: Love.
Integrating the Internal Masculine & Feminine
The severity of the degradation of the Feminine principle within our current culture cannot be understated. We all suffer from a profound imbalance, which internally creates a tyranny of the mind, and leads to all forms of mental, emotional and physical distress. In order to change our world, we are being called to initiate the necessary changes within to heal this rift between our Masculine/Feminine polarities.
As you embrace, commune and listen to the voice of the Divine Feminine within, integration with a healthy internal Masculine can begin. First, the Feminine recognizes a feeling or a need. Then, the Masculine engages to respond with the appropriate words or action. The two work in concert, moment-to-moment, all the while generating the power of intent, love, attunement and connection. This beautiful, sacred dance arises from a profound honoring and respect by each polarity of the gifts and contributions of the other.
As you embrace, commune and listen to the voice of the Divine Feminine within, integration with a healthy internal Masculine can begin. First, the Feminine recognizes a feeling or a need. Then, the Masculine engages to respond with the appropriate words or action. The two work in concert, moment-to-moment, all the while generating the power of intent, love, attunement and connection. This beautiful, sacred dance arises from a profound honoring and respect by each polarity of the gifts and contributions of the other.
Nourishing Care of the Body
Your body is a primary manifestation and vehicle of expression for your Divine Feminine. As such, it carries tremendous wisdom and intelligence, interacting with your environment far more efficiently and capably than your mind.
Yet as we know, our culture continues to disseminate the erroneous representation of the body as an object, thereby reducing it to its exclusively physical manifestation and judging it by standards of beauty and achievement based on physical appearance.
This cultural programming arises, in part, out of mainstream medicine's refusal (for a variety of complex reasons) to acknowledge the body in any other than its strictly physical functionality, rather like a machine.
This approach persists despite clear scientific evidence in numerous studies that confirms that all matter is energy. In other words, the body is simply the physical counterpart of a much deeper tapestry of energetic patterns at various vibrational frequencies. We access these vibrational patterns as messages from the body — such as discomfort, tightness, soreness, frank pain and/or intuitive messages.
Sadly, we have learned to reduce our body's symptoms to isolated events, ignoring or misunderstanding these signals as irrelevant or an event to be controlled by external means. Inadvertently, we miss vitally important communication from our innate intelligence.
These impossible discrepancies based on false foundational beliefs are crying out for a redress. The Divine Feminine implores you to listen to and honor your body, all the while cultivating a loving embrace of the vast and brilliant interconnectedness made possible through this vehicle with all of Creation.
As part of the parallel and interwoven approach to honoring and appreciating our own physical bodies, we are equally called to extend generous regard and respect to our mother planet Earth. She is undergoing a significant transition into the Crystalline Consciousness along with all of humanity. The tragic consequences of our blatant disregard of her sovereignty, beauty and generosity demand a vastly different solution.
As we learn to honor the true capacity and purpose of our bodies, the invitation encompasses an inner communion and harmony with all living things, including Mother Earth. Mother Earth's body is, in truth, none other than our own. Our lives depend on our embrace of this profound awareness.
Yet as we know, our culture continues to disseminate the erroneous representation of the body as an object, thereby reducing it to its exclusively physical manifestation and judging it by standards of beauty and achievement based on physical appearance.
This cultural programming arises, in part, out of mainstream medicine's refusal (for a variety of complex reasons) to acknowledge the body in any other than its strictly physical functionality, rather like a machine.
This approach persists despite clear scientific evidence in numerous studies that confirms that all matter is energy. In other words, the body is simply the physical counterpart of a much deeper tapestry of energetic patterns at various vibrational frequencies. We access these vibrational patterns as messages from the body — such as discomfort, tightness, soreness, frank pain and/or intuitive messages.
Sadly, we have learned to reduce our body's symptoms to isolated events, ignoring or misunderstanding these signals as irrelevant or an event to be controlled by external means. Inadvertently, we miss vitally important communication from our innate intelligence.
These impossible discrepancies based on false foundational beliefs are crying out for a redress. The Divine Feminine implores you to listen to and honor your body, all the while cultivating a loving embrace of the vast and brilliant interconnectedness made possible through this vehicle with all of Creation.
As part of the parallel and interwoven approach to honoring and appreciating our own physical bodies, we are equally called to extend generous regard and respect to our mother planet Earth. She is undergoing a significant transition into the Crystalline Consciousness along with all of humanity. The tragic consequences of our blatant disregard of her sovereignty, beauty and generosity demand a vastly different solution.
As we learn to honor the true capacity and purpose of our bodies, the invitation encompasses an inner communion and harmony with all living things, including Mother Earth. Mother Earth's body is, in truth, none other than our own. Our lives depend on our embrace of this profound awareness.
Honoring Sacred Sensuality and Sexuality
The Divine Feminine reminds you of the true definition of sensuality: Your body is equipped with senses allowing you to experience your environment in innumerable ways. Using this approach, sexuality serves as a sacred portal to your inner self, expanding your ability to give and receive love, to enter into divine union with yourself and another, and to enhance your life force.
Through centuries of Divine Feminine denigration, the deep imprint of shame, and fear of the power of sexuality, many of us know sex as a physical act only. Many of us also know it as a source of trauma. Reclaiming the true purpose of sensuality and sexuality requires the acknowledgement of your right to sacred sexuality, and the gentle yet steady healing of sexual shame and wounding through the compassionate embrace of the Divine Feminine.
Through centuries of Divine Feminine denigration, the deep imprint of shame, and fear of the power of sexuality, many of us know sex as a physical act only. Many of us also know it as a source of trauma. Reclaiming the true purpose of sensuality and sexuality requires the acknowledgement of your right to sacred sexuality, and the gentle yet steady healing of sexual shame and wounding through the compassionate embrace of the Divine Feminine.
Embodying the Power of Love
We will truly know great change on planet Earth when the Power of Love becomes the norm, rather than the Love of Power we currently know. This is the potential and the promise of the Christ Consciousness. It presents a dramatic opportunity to shift your relationship to both personal power and to Love, calling on you to assume responsibility for this transformative redefinition of power.
Embracing the Power of Love challenges you to reckon with pain, trauma, and countless injuries sustained through the ages by the systematic suppression and violation of the Feminine. Each of us suffers the manifestations of our collective injury and our own internal power struggle — seen and unseen, subtle and catastrophic — on many levels.
While it may not sound fun or easy, the rewards of healing the injuries to the Feminine are great, and are often more fulfilling than you can conceive of with your mind. Bringing the power of Love to places of pain truly has countless rewards.
The Divine Feminine knows that we must deeply engage in this complete redirection of power — from a greed-driven hunger for control and power over others (current “rogue” masculine belief system) — to the true source of power available through and in connection with our Self.
Abiding in connection with Self, we find our own identity as indescribable beauty, majesty, intelligence and love beyond all limitations and fears. We discover true fulfillment, peace and authentic connection independent of external circumstances. The Power of Love realigns us with our divine nature, and brings us home to the infinite hearth of forgiveness, tenderness and compassion in our relationship with ourselves and with all others. And perhaps most importantly, it is fueled by vulnerability, inclusion and interconnectedness.
Embracing the Power of Love challenges you to reckon with pain, trauma, and countless injuries sustained through the ages by the systematic suppression and violation of the Feminine. Each of us suffers the manifestations of our collective injury and our own internal power struggle — seen and unseen, subtle and catastrophic — on many levels.
While it may not sound fun or easy, the rewards of healing the injuries to the Feminine are great, and are often more fulfilling than you can conceive of with your mind. Bringing the power of Love to places of pain truly has countless rewards.
The Divine Feminine knows that we must deeply engage in this complete redirection of power — from a greed-driven hunger for control and power over others (current “rogue” masculine belief system) — to the true source of power available through and in connection with our Self.
Abiding in connection with Self, we find our own identity as indescribable beauty, majesty, intelligence and love beyond all limitations and fears. We discover true fulfillment, peace and authentic connection independent of external circumstances. The Power of Love realigns us with our divine nature, and brings us home to the infinite hearth of forgiveness, tenderness and compassion in our relationship with ourselves and with all others. And perhaps most importantly, it is fueled by vulnerability, inclusion and interconnectedness.