Crystalline DNA Gives Rise to New Human Species on Planet Earth
The evolution of the species from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous (Being of Eternal Light), often called “ascension” or “the shift of the ages” has arrived. Briefly, ascension is the accelerated spiritual evolution currently unfolding in all planetary life forms at this time. The ancients and indigenous peoples have prophesied this shift into quantum consciousness for a very long time. Humanity is being summoned to radically purify itself--heart, mind, and body—called to heal separation and disconnection from the heart to embody the elevated vibration of crystalline consciousness.
The unprecedented opportunity is now upon us to anchor Divine communion with Self, the Earth, and all of life through transfiguration of the human body into a multidimensional portal of love. During these tumultuous times, we are being asked to turn inward to the unlimited treasures that lie within– to realize boundless love--our true Divine blueprint-- while incarnated on Earth. Through healing and illumination of the body, an activation of dormant divine potential to embody Universal Love is awakening in progressive steps. Embodied Universal Love is marked by purity, peace, transparency, freedom and physical luminosity.
The evolution of the species from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous (Being of Eternal Light), often called “ascension” or “the shift of the ages” has arrived. Briefly, ascension is the accelerated spiritual evolution currently unfolding in all planetary life forms at this time. The ancients and indigenous peoples have prophesied this shift into quantum consciousness for a very long time. Humanity is being summoned to radically purify itself--heart, mind, and body—called to heal separation and disconnection from the heart to embody the elevated vibration of crystalline consciousness.
The unprecedented opportunity is now upon us to anchor Divine communion with Self, the Earth, and all of life through transfiguration of the human body into a multidimensional portal of love. During these tumultuous times, we are being asked to turn inward to the unlimited treasures that lie within– to realize boundless love--our true Divine blueprint-- while incarnated on Earth. Through healing and illumination of the body, an activation of dormant divine potential to embody Universal Love is awakening in progressive steps. Embodied Universal Love is marked by purity, peace, transparency, freedom and physical luminosity.
The foundational structure or DNA of the body clearly requires an upgrade to accommodate the expansion of consciousness into a quantum light body. DNA, in its simplest expression, is the interface between the etheric (Source) and physical form. Everything on this plane begins in the etheric realm before it progressively solidifies into physical form.
Crystalline DNA originates in the non-physical or quantum realm, as it is far greater than a biological entity. As past trauma and outdated belief systems are healed, the flow of love is restored in the body leading to an organic transformation of the DNA. The traditional biologic foundation of carbon-based, 2-strand DNA gradually merges and expands into a quantum crystal-based 12-strand DNA, and beyond. The gradual emergence of crystalline DNA results in the transformation of the physical body, from 23,000-gene expression into a 144,000-gene expression– the full capacity of the Light body. This underlying structural shift creates the foundation for illumined human consciousness to reside in the Light body anchored on Earth.
The crystalline DNA is now being birthed on this planet to serve the evolutionary plan for Mother Earth to make her ascension along with humanity into greater dimensions of Love. The higher vibrational transfigured human body based on love represents a new species of human… the Homo Luminous.
1. Allegiance to Love: Commitment to the Heart
The human heart emanates 5000X EMF field of the mind (Heart Math Institute) and yet, we are habituated to spending a good deal of our time in analysis, rationalization and justification… all activities of the mind. We generally live our lives distracted from the wisdom and grace of the heart. Since heart coherence forms the foundation of crystalline consciousness, one of the main keys to making this transition seamlessly is simply to make a profound commitment to the heart. Setting this pure intention early on in our journey gives us a focal point to return to repeatedly. Progressively releasing the addictive tendency to “figure things out” mentally will be replaced gradually by the simplicity of feeling and guidance from the heart. As we progressively replace judgmental internalized indoctrination with the voice of the heart, we discover authenticity, integrity, inner peace and ultimately freedom. We merge with and as the inner River of love following the stream of Oneness and communion with all of life. The capacity to love divinely and access multidimensionality can only be attained through the infinite heart.
2. Balance of the Masculine-Feminine polarities within (self-love) holds the key to unlocking humanity’s potential for evolution into crystalline consciousness
Our habituated patterns of self-judgment, self-denial, rejection, victimization and abandonment, that have only served the illusion of separation, are gradually replaced with practices of self-love (self-forgiveness, self-compassion, self-responsibility, self-commitment, integrity, appreciation and gratitude). In other words, we shift our inner relationship with our very self to a harmonious, self-respectful one which gradually leads to the recognition of Self as Love. This primordial transformation– healing the Feminine-Masculine balance within- also heals all relationships with others. From this foundation of self-recognition and honor, we slowly melt or merge into and as the collective field of love. Love is no longer something we do but rather who or what we are.
When the MF balance is restored, star-gates, or portals, open in the heart and the body that facilitate instant access to multi-dimensional awareness. We organically merge into and as the flow of Universal Love. We easily embrace the fluidity of limitless, unbounded possibilities inherent in Union or crystalline love.
3. Purification of the physical body: healing current & past lives
The clearing/healing of all past life trauma & ancestral patterns is necessary to purify the physical body. The resultant transfiguration enables the body to hold the higher vibratory frequencies of the crystalline & enables conscious alignment with the Soul’s wisdom. Many of our behaviors & beliefs are unknowingly based on patterns developed as a result of an attempt to avoid the pain of past life trauma. This unresolved emotional trauma blocks the flow of love at the cellular level in the body, diminishing the vibratory rate, promoting density in the physical & often leading to illness. As we clear these barriers, the flow of love & connection is restored enabling access to our Divine birthright of expanded wisdom, knowledge & love.
As our capacity for pure authentic Love increases through the clearing of the past, our reactivity to outside input diminishes; our container and responsibility for Love increases exponentially. We are not just talking about eliminating karma, but rather about drastically expanding the Soul’s embodied capacity for Love by removing all obstacles to experiencing and being the emanation of love.
The body begins to heal as the lower vibrational states of disease, victimization & lack melt away. Our experience of linear time disappears as we enter Universal time. This evolution clears a path for crystalline DNA to come into full expression in the body.
4. Connection with Earth
We effectively shift into a heart-based, body-based reality that is fluid & resides in the moment, easily merging into greater multidimensional fields. Our adherence to identity through physical form diminishes as we increasingly adopt the reality of quantum consciousness & formlessness. Through this identification with vibrational reality, we merge with & as all life forms, including Mother Earth & the celestial bodies. We are thus living as Divinity in form or in crystalline consciousness.
“Deified” embodiment:
Transformation of the body results in the embodiment of ever higher vibrational fields & advanced abilities traditionally associated with Divinity. All the “clair” (clairvoyant, clairsentient etc.,) capacities spontaneously emerge as do seemingly miraculous or magical abilities such as shape-shifting, bi-location, & ultimately immortality. One vibrates at the frequencies of love, harmony & compassion.
End of Illness and Return to vibrant health:
The advent of homo luminous leads to the end of illness, where harmonic vibration is too high to support parasitic activity & where codes of light (Divine perfection) illuminate the human form, over-riding all biologic genetic imprints.
The combination of the high vibration, fluidity & cellular intelligence out-pictures as wholeness & divine perfection in seemingly physical form.
We command the cells of the body to align with wholeness, leading to vibrant health & vitality, defying the aging process. We are the embodied, luminous emanation of love.
Embodiment as Creator:
As our DNA transforms into crystalline, we organically evolve through the 5 levels of Christ Consciousness into illumined Union consciousness with & as the All That Is. This progressive transition shifts one’s identification from individuated to collective, separation to Union & human to Divine. The end of all separation necessarily calls one to embrace the role of Creator with its inherent responsibilities. We assume command of the creative impulse, arising from the heart of Sophia, as our very Self.
The etheric structural support for the transition into Divine Creator arises from the organic emergence of a heart-womb as one of the final steps in birthing as Homo Luminous. Manifestation instantaneously results from directing love to create whatever one desires. “One” is synonymous obviously with the greater Divine Impulse. This transformational & nuanced journey is held in the utmost love, compassion, & grace.
Impeccable allegiance to the direction of the heart replaces all other avenues; the multidimensional body dances in harmonious attunement- as a musical instrument being played by Universal Love- fluid, flowing immersed in the moment; we adopt an approach of delight & joy at the vibrancy & mystery of life.
Service, a natural devotional aspect of love, will be restored. All beings, according to their capacity, will naturally be in joyful love & service in alignment, attunement & communion with the essence of Love.
As the crystalline DNA illuminates all life on the planet, parasitic & predatory behavior ends. Love & respect for the interconnectedness of all living beings will restore balance once again in Earth. An era of tremendous peace, harmony, & love will usher in the veritable Garden of Eden on Earth.
“Deified” embodiment:
Transformation of the body results in the embodiment of ever higher vibrational fields & advanced abilities traditionally associated with Divinity. All the “clair” (clairvoyant, clairsentient etc.,) capacities spontaneously emerge as do seemingly miraculous or magical abilities such as shape-shifting, bi-location, & ultimately immortality. One vibrates at the frequencies of love, harmony & compassion.
End of Illness and Return to vibrant health:
The advent of homo luminous leads to the end of illness, where harmonic vibration is too high to support parasitic activity & where codes of light (Divine perfection) illuminate the human form, over-riding all biologic genetic imprints.
The combination of the high vibration, fluidity & cellular intelligence out-pictures as wholeness & divine perfection in seemingly physical form.
We command the cells of the body to align with wholeness, leading to vibrant health & vitality, defying the aging process. We are the embodied, luminous emanation of love.
Embodiment as Creator:
As our DNA transforms into crystalline, we organically evolve through the 5 levels of Christ Consciousness into illumined Union consciousness with & as the All That Is. This progressive transition shifts one’s identification from individuated to collective, separation to Union & human to Divine. The end of all separation necessarily calls one to embrace the role of Creator with its inherent responsibilities. We assume command of the creative impulse, arising from the heart of Sophia, as our very Self.
The etheric structural support for the transition into Divine Creator arises from the organic emergence of a heart-womb as one of the final steps in birthing as Homo Luminous. Manifestation instantaneously results from directing love to create whatever one desires. “One” is synonymous obviously with the greater Divine Impulse. This transformational & nuanced journey is held in the utmost love, compassion, & grace.
Impeccable allegiance to the direction of the heart replaces all other avenues; the multidimensional body dances in harmonious attunement- as a musical instrument being played by Universal Love- fluid, flowing immersed in the moment; we adopt an approach of delight & joy at the vibrancy & mystery of life.
Service, a natural devotional aspect of love, will be restored. All beings, according to their capacity, will naturally be in joyful love & service in alignment, attunement & communion with the essence of Love.
As the crystalline DNA illuminates all life on the planet, parasitic & predatory behavior ends. Love & respect for the interconnectedness of all living beings will restore balance once again in Earth. An era of tremendous peace, harmony, & love will usher in the veritable Garden of Eden on Earth.